"Winter drawers on", as they say. Xmas is almost upon us.
In the light of my recent carpentry failure, I turned my attention to improving the electronics for my NeoPixel project. Nothing fancy here, just an ATTiny85 microcontroller with some home brewed NeoPixel driver code on it, running from an ST L7805 5V regulator and taking power from a 7.5V 1.5A wall wart supply.
Here's a badly made, artefact riddled, crappy video...
In the light of my recent carpentry failure, I turned my attention to improving the electronics for my NeoPixel project. Nothing fancy here, just an ATTiny85 microcontroller with some home brewed NeoPixel driver code on it, running from an ST L7805 5V regulator and taking power from a 7.5V 1.5A wall wart supply.
Here's a badly made, artefact riddled, crappy video...