A few weeks back I finished the ATTiny85 code for driving a 16 NeoPixel Ring and all over the Xmas break it shone like a majestic beacon of festive cheer atop the Xmas tree. It looks lovely.
There is no schematic for this project, mainly because it's trivial and anyone can work it out themselves with a bit of thought and secondly I couldn't be arsed drawing one. PB0 on the Microcontroller goes to the data in pin on the first led in the chain. Both the micro and the LEDs run from a regulated 5V rail.
I will hint that you'll need something at least as good as a LM317 to provide the 5V rail for the LEDs and the microcontroller. The LEDs chew up a fair bit of current if you drive them at full brightness. I recommend running them rather dimly because they do get hot and are migraine-inducingly bright at maximum intensity anyway. For an Xmas tree you'll appreciate the colours more in the dark anyway.
I'm going to adapt this code to drive the 1 metre (30 pixel) strips soon, so stay tuned :)
There is no schematic for this project, mainly because it's trivial and anyone can work it out themselves with a bit of thought and secondly I couldn't be arsed drawing one. PB0 on the Microcontroller goes to the data in pin on the first led in the chain. Both the micro and the LEDs run from a regulated 5V rail.
I will hint that you'll need something at least as good as a LM317 to provide the 5V rail for the LEDs and the microcontroller. The LEDs chew up a fair bit of current if you drive them at full brightness. I recommend running them rather dimly because they do get hot and are migraine-inducingly bright at maximum intensity anyway. For an Xmas tree you'll appreciate the colours more in the dark anyway.
I'm going to adapt this code to drive the 1 metre (30 pixel) strips soon, so stay tuned :)